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(Online) Certified Nursing Assistant Prep Course
How Does the CNA Exam Work (11:26)
Healthcare Settings (9:53)
Order a Home Practice Kit
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21 Clinical Skills Videos and Quizes
Skill Categories (5:29)
Skill 1 Handwashing (3:45)
Skill 2- Pulse (Documentation Skill) (4:03)
Skill 3- Measure and Record Respirations (Documentation Skill) (2:34)
Skill 4- Passive Range of Motion to the Hip, Knee, and Ankle (2:00)
Skill 5- Passive Range of Motion to the Shoulder (1:36)
Skill 6 - Range of Motion to the Elbow and Wrist (1:41)
Skill 7- Ambulate Resident Using a Gait Belt (3:24)
Skill 8- Feed a Resident Who is Sitting in a Chair (Documentation Skill) (4:09)
Skill 11- Change a Residents Position to Side Lying (3:51)
Skill 9- Provide Hand and Nail Care (8:36)
Skill 10- Provide Foot Care to a Resident (6:27)
Skill 12- Assist the Resident with a Bedpan (6:40)
Skill 13- Provide Mouth Care to a Resident with Teeth (4:35)
Skill 14- Provide Denture Care and Mouth Care (8:26)
Skill 15- Transfer a Resident to a Wheelchair (5:09)
Skill 16- Make a Occupied Bed (9:05)
Skill 17- Dress a Resident with a Weak Arm (11:28)
Skill 18- Provide a Partial Bed Bath (15:44)
Skill 19- Provide Perineal Care to an Incontinent Resident (14:15)
Skill 20- Provide Catheter Care to a Resident (12:24)
Skill 21- Measure and Record Contents of a Urinary Drainage Bag (Documentation Skill) (6:36)
Practice Exam 1
Exam 1
Practice Exam 2
Exam 2
Additional Practice Exam Resources
How to Submit Your Prometric Application for the CNA State Exam??
How to Complete Your Level 2 Background Check for The State Exam??
New Lecture
Animated Review Videos
Delegation (9:22)
Bed Position (6:59)
Do I Have to Talk it Out the skill out (5:16)
Barrier Rules (4:49)
Puzzle This Out - (4:52)
Importance of Practicing (5:03)
Handwashing and Simulations (3:46)
Corrections Are Our Friend! (8:34)
Skill Timing (6:15)
The Care Plan (23:21)
Patient Care Environments (24:06)
Washing Room (6:23)
Exiting the Room (8:49)
Additional Resources for Written Exams
Printable Practice Tests and Answer Keys
Website Links Practice Tests
Importance of Practicing
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