(Online) Certified Nursing Assistant Prep Course
A comprehensive CNA program to get your career started right.
Start a Career That Matters....
With over 200,000 open CNA positions by year 2025 there's never been a better time to enter the Healthcare industry. Our certified nursing assistant program teaches you everything you need to know become a CNA and enjoy a rewarding career in Healthcare.
Our Comprehensive Prep program Includes:
- Downloadable Study Guides
- This Course is Florida only. (Florida is the only state that allows online CNA training)
- Video Lectures
- Video Skill Demonstrations of 21 Required Skills
- Practice Exams
- Video Practice Exams
- How To Sign Up & ACE The State Exam
- 24/7 Support from Nurses 727-614-8400
- Access the course World Wide from any device
- Downloadable Mobile APP for IPHONES
- Money Back Guarantee*
With over 10,000 CNA jobs vacant just in Florida today, start a rewarding career in Healthcare for only $89. Our nursing instructors are available 24/7 to make sure you succeed. What are YOU waiting for?
Check out what our students are saying...
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Your Nurse Instructor
Back in 2006 I was working in a dead in job that I hated. I had heard about my friend who just completed their training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant and really loved her new job. I decided to check it out and see what the career offers. After looking through the job opportunities I decided to become a CNA, but my ultimate goal was to become a Nurse.
On December 2nd 2006 I signed up at a local CNA Academy. It cost me $350 of my hard-earned dollars from my dead in job. I had hoped I wasn't making the wrong decision but was all in now. I enjoyed the training, I could tell this would be a rewarding job but truly I was lost. How do I sign up for the state exam? Where do I get my background check? After hours of researching and submitting my application twice I was finally for approved to take the state exam in Florida. I had two weeks to cram as much studying and practicing as I could. Nervously in February I took the state exam and passed on my first attempt!
Finally, I was a licensed Certified Nursing Assistant, the start of my long and rewarding career in healthcare. My first Job as a CNA was a skilled nursing facility generally caring for about 10 patients a shift. I loved it, it was a job I could be proud of. With so many options in Healthcare I was able to continue to move up the career ladder. I became a Patient Care Technician and worked in major hospitals in various units like the ICU and CVICU, while I pursued my nursing license.
Subsequently in 2016 I became a nurse and decided to open an affordable comprehensive online CNA program. I created the program to answer all the questions I had when I was starting out and ensure students could become CNA'S quickly and most importantly not break the bank. Our online CNA program is available 100% online, with 24/7 nursing support to get your career started right.
Course Curriculum
StartSkill Categories (5:29)
StartSkill 1 Handwashing (3:45)
StartSkill 2- Pulse (Documentation Skill) (4:03)
StartSkill 3- Measure and Record Respirations (Documentation Skill) (2:34)
StartSkill 4- Passive Range of Motion to the Hip, Knee, and Ankle (2:00)
StartSkill 5- Passive Range of Motion to the Shoulder (1:36)
StartSkill 6 - Range of Motion to the Elbow and Wrist (1:41)
StartSkill 7- Ambulate Resident Using a Gait Belt (3:24)
StartSkill 8- Feed a Resident Who is Sitting in a Chair (Documentation Skill) (4:09)
StartSkill 11- Change a Residents Position to Side Lying (3:51)
StartSkill 9- Provide Hand and Nail Care (8:36)
StartSkill 10- Provide Foot Care to a Resident (6:27)
StartSkill 12- Assist the Resident with a Bedpan (6:40)
StartSkill 13- Provide Mouth Care to a Resident with Teeth (4:35)
StartSkill 14- Provide Denture Care and Mouth Care (8:26)
StartSkill 15- Transfer a Resident to a Wheelchair (5:09)
StartSkill 16- Make a Occupied Bed (9:05)
StartSkill 17- Dress a Resident with a Weak Arm (11:28)
StartSkill 18- Provide a Partial Bed Bath (15:44)
StartSkill 19- Provide Perineal Care to an Incontinent Resident (14:15)
StartSkill 20- Provide Catheter Care to a Resident (12:24)
StartSkill 21- Measure and Record Contents of a Urinary Drainage Bag (Documentation Skill) (6:36)